A new service introduced to Waiuku Zero Waste in Jan 2025 is the Household Hazardous Waste disposal.

This is a limited service on FRIDAYS ONLY between 1 and 3PM. Come in through our yard and you will be directed to a separate area for processing. Please expect a wait while this is introduced.

We can now safely accept your used and left over household chemicals

Items we can accept:

  • Household Chemicals:
    • Disinfectants, Swimming Pool Chemicals, Glues, Cleaners, Varnish, Wood Stains, Paint Stripper, Bleach, Anti-Freeze and Brake Fluid etc.
  • Household Garden Chemicals
    • Herbicides, Fungicides and Insecticides in containers under 5kg
  • Special Paint Products – Limited to:
    • Lead Based Paint
    • Marine Anti-Fouling Paint (NOT standard Marine Paints)
    • Bituminous Products
  • Solvents:
    • Methylated Spirits, Mineral Turpentine, Kerosene, Petrol, Diesel, Paint Thinners and similar.
  • Mercury and Mercury Contaminated Items

If you have something that is not covered by this list, you can email yard@waiukuzerowaste.co.nz for more information. Attach clear photos if you can.

Items that are not covered will not be accepted and will only slow processing – please don’t bring them.