What We Accept
What we accept:
In our yard we accept:
- Glass Bottles and Jars – Clear, Brown and Green. Please separate glass into colours.*
- Paper and Cardboard*
- Aluminum and Tin Cans*
- Plastics – #1, 2 and 5. Clear and lightproof containers are separated. See the bottom of your item for #.*
- Concrete – with or without rebar* Sorry no soil or dirt.
- Timber* – Denailed in good usable lengths can be sent to the Junktion Reuse Shop.
- Batteries*
- *Charges apply. Find our fees here.
- Tyres are accepted for Free recycling as part of the Tyrewise Programme, conditions apply – max 5 tyres, no rims (rubber tyre only), free of dirt and debris, and no commercial loads.
- Terracycle for: Gillette razors, Colgate products and Schwarzkopf hair care. All Free, please take these into the Junktion Reuse Shop.
- Scrap metal – accepted without charges.
General Green Waste includes: (all sent to Envirofert in Tuakau)
- Garden trimmings/prunings
- Small trees and branches (excludes palms) less than 100mm wide
- Grass clippings
Fibrous Green Waste can be accepted for composting however they are charger at a higher rate. This materials is sent off to GreenCycle with the machinery to break it down. Includes:
- Big Trees
- Palm Trees of any size
- Bamboo
- Yucca
- Flax
Our E-waste is sent to Abilities Group whose aim is to offer fulfilling work opportunities to people with disabilities.
A new service introduced to Waiuku Zero Waste in Jan 2025 is the Household Hazardous Waste disposal.
This is a limited service on FRIDAYS ONLY between 1 and 3PM. Come in through our yard and you will be directed to a separate area for processing. Please expect a wait while this is introduced.
We can now safely accept your used and left over household chemicals
Items we can accept:
- Household Chemicals:
- Disinfectants, Swimming Pool Chemicals, Glues, Cleaners, Varnish, Wood Stains, Paint Stripper, Bleach, Anti-Freeze and Brake Fluid etc.
- Household Garden Chemicals
- Herbicides, Fungicides and Insecticides in containers under 5kg
- Special Paint Products – Limited to:
- Lead Based Paint
- Marine Anti-Fouling Paint (NOT standard Marine Paints)
- Bituminous Products
- Solvents:
- Methylated Spirits, Mineral Turpentine, Kerosene, Petrol, Diesel, Paint Thinners and similar.
- Mercury and Mercury Contaminated Items
If you have something that is not covered by this list, you can email yard@waiukuzerowaste.co.nz for more information. Attach clear photos if you can.
All rubbish to come in through our yard. Charges apply based on volume and some items carry separate charges such as mattresses or ewaste.
We accept Auckland Council (orange bags) for no charge. Find the grey skip bin for these next to our Yard Portacom. Auckland Council bags are available for purchase from the Junktion Reuse shop.
You can help us by loading up your trailer carefully.
Steel and timber are separated so please keep these separated on your trailer if you can.
We also recommend loading re-useable items last/on top of your load so that they take it out first on arrival and ensure you’re not charged for it. These will go over to the Junktion Reuse Shop.